The Beach Sessions | Bay St. Louis Family Photography

Your family has a story to tell. And childhood moments and memories often speak loudest during the long dreamy days of summer. That’s why it’s one of my favorite times to photograph kids. The soft hues of sunsets and sand make for a picturesque backdrop for these carefree days.

Meet me in Bay St. Louis, MS, for a sunset family photography session. Let your kids run and splash around as the sun sets on Gulf of Mexico. These are fun and candid sessions orchestrated just for you. I will collaborate with you on where to meet, what to wear and what makes your kids giggle. We can even end with popsicles!

And if you are still on the fence about driving 45 minutes east for a one-of-a-kind session check out this Beach Session for inspiration. I promise we will make gorgeous family memories and pictures!

Only three sessions available, one per date:
Friday, June 21st, Saturday, June 22nd and Sunday, June 23rd.

You can book your session at:

Interested in booking a session?



New Orleans Family Photographer
