City Park Movement & Art | Spring Garden Show 2018

Backstage highlights at City Park Movement and Art’s Spring Garden Show include lots of high-fives, big grins, a few tears, some missteps, and pure joy. I love watching the big kids ooh and awe at the cuteness of the little dancers, and little dancers mesmerized by the big ones. There are sibling hugs, grandparent arms and proud parents awaiting. The inspiring music keeps the girls and boys engaged and never fails to bring a few tears to the eyes of onlookers, including my own. I won’t lie, it is not easy to get my daughter to dance class two days a week. But, even after a long day of 4th grade, my girl heads on over to the studio ready to work hard. It’s humbling to see her work ethic and those of the other Juniors who dream of being on point like the Seniors someday. I’m so thankful for Ms. Nikki and the team at City Park Movement & Art for inspiring my child. These dancers were lovely as were the families who stopped by for a quick portrait. Congratulations on such a great performance!

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